Health and Safety Policy Statement.

Woodbank is committed to worker engagement, participation and representation to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace.

  1. Woodbank will ensure all workers will be familiar with,  understand and comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, Regulations and Approved code of practice for Safety and Health in Forest Operations, Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017 and relevant Codes of Practice.

  2. Woodbank will take all reasonably practicable steps to provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace for workers including the promotion of any wellbeing initatives.

  3. Woodbank has a commitment to continuous improvment in health and safety by setting annual objectives, leading and consulting our team in health and safety matters and seeking input from industry Specialists when required.

  4. All reasonably practical steps will be taken by Woodbank and our workers to identify hazards that are reasonably foreseeable; we will assess the risk of those hazards and determine ways of eliminating or minimising those risks.

  5. All near hits, property damage, notifiable injuries, illnesses, notifiable incidents and notifiable events shall be reported to the company immediately. Woodbank will ensure systems are in place for the accurate reporting and recording of these events and instigate an investigation when required.

  6. Woodbank is commited to supporting the safe and early return to work for injured workers. Workers will also ensure they are familiar with and participate in a Return to Work plan.

  7. All workers will be provided information and training for the task they are to carry out or will be under supervision until they have satisfied Woodbank that they are competent to work unsupervised. Relevant health and safety training will be provided to workers to ensure that competence in health and safety is achived and maintained.

  8. Workers shall not knowingly place themselves or their workmates in a situation that is likely to cause harm. Workers must take reasonable care for their own safety of others in the workplace.

  9. Woodbank will ensure we have procedures in place to deal with potential emergency situations and ensure these are available to all workers and vistiors to our workplace. 

  10. Woodbank is commited to a drug & alcohol-free workplace for workers and contractors on our site(s).

  11. Woodbank will ensure we have a robust selection and monitoring process when engaging contractors to work on our behalf.

  12. The Health and Safety Policy, Work procedures and Work Rules will be reviewed annually, when there is a change in work procedures, critical events or change in legislation.


Darrin Collett – Director
May 2024

Want more money from your trees?

Woodbank is an approved Log Trader by the Ministry For Primary Industries
Registration Number: LT-00001576